How does a church go about obeying Jesus when He tells us to go and make disciples? (Matthew 28:18-20) At Christ Community Church, we believe one of the key components for us is our small groups, which we’re calling A2 Groups.
A2 Groups get their name from Acts 2, where we find a summary description of life together for the early church: “And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” This description feels both normal and radical: to grow under Biblical (“apostles’") teaching, life together (“fellowship…the breaking of bread”), and praying together (“the prayers”). In order to imitate this pattern at our church, our A2 Groups are primarily aimed at 3 things: Spiritual Formation Together, Living Life Together, and Praying Together. We'd love to see everyone who attends Christ Community to grow through Biblical teaching, Jesus Community, all fueled and upheld by prayer together!
If you're interested in finding out more about A2 Groups or how you can join one,
please fill out the form HERE and Pastor Rob will follow up with you!