Corporate worship is such an important part of the Church! It is a declaration of faith to set apart one day of the week to gather with God's people and worship Jesus! It is a time for the people of God to encourage one another, sing and pray together, and hear the scripture taught. We gather for worship every Sunday morning at 10 AM
Worship Service
a2 Small groups
How does a church go about obeying Jesus when He tells us to go and make disciples? (Matthew 28:18-20) At Christ Community Church, we believe one of the key components for us is our small groups, which we’re calling A2 Groups.
A2 Groups get their name from Acts 2, where we find a summary description of life together for the early church: “And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” This description feels both normal and radical: to grow under Biblical (“apostles’") teaching, life together (“fellowship…the breaking of bread”), and praying together (“the prayers”). In order to imitate this pattern at our church, our A2 Groups are primarily aimed at 3 things: Spiritual Formation Together, Living Life Together, and Praying Together. We'd love to see everyone who attends Christ Community to grow through Biblical teaching, Jesus Community, all fueled and upheld by prayer together!
If you're interested in finding out more about A2 Groups or how you can join one,
please fill out the form HERE and Pastor Rob will follow up with you! -
"come to me and drink" worship night
Jesus said in John 7:37, "On the last and most important day of the festival, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.” As a celebration at the end of our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting, you're invited to join us Tuesday, January 21, from 6:30-8pm for a night of worship, testimony and the Lord's Supper. Childcare will be provided.
Men's Ski Day 2025
It's time for our annual Men's Ski Day! We will be going to Waterville Valley again this year. Thanks to the generosity of one of our member's, the cost is only $20. The date is Friday, Jan 24. We will leave around 7:30am and be home by 5pm. If you can go with us, use this link to sign up:
parenting workshops with denise deville
We at Christ Community long to "make disciples of all nations", and one of the biggest ways we do that is right in our own home, parenting our kids. Yet it's so easy to feel lost as to how to do this the right way. What might it look like to better parent after the teaching and pattern of Jesus and the Scriptures? And what does that practically mean?
In light of these sort of questions, we're excited to offer 3 parenting workshop sessions with Dr. Denise Leville of The Parent and Family Coaching Center. She's a follower of Jesus who has over 25 years of experience helping families of every kind to be the parents they were made to be. She has already been a huge help as a parent coach to a number of members at CCC, and this time of hands-on help with the real challenges of parenting will be a huge blessing to everyone who attends! The three sessions will be held at the church on February 21, March 7 and March 21, from 6-8pm. Cost is $50 per family for all 3 sessions. Food and childcare will be provided. Please join us for this amazing opportunity and investment in your family! You can register below:
New member class
At Christ Community, we long to be a community of those who love Jesus and are committed to knowing and being known. If you've been around Christ Community for a bit and want to officially call Christ Community your church home, we'd encourage you to begin the process of church membership.
Because our church has a wide variety of backgrounds, the idea of "church membership" may mean different things to different people. To help explain what we're meaning and to fill you in on what it looks like to "covenant together" as members at Christ Community, we offer a New Members Class. This class helps explain who we are as a church, what we believe, and what meaningful membership looks like. This is a 3-week class, Sundays after service from 12-1:30pm. Lunch and childcare will be provided. If you're interested, please sign up! Our next Member Class will March 16, 23 and 30 (all part of the same course), and you can register below: